Story by: Colophon Editor
September 3, 2013

Do you have too many cooks in your ecommerce kitchen? Do you have a cook dicing your web hosting, another chopping at your shopping cart, yet another slicing your merchant processing, and one hacking at your payment gateway? Are you unsure of which chef to call if there is a fire in your ecommerce kitchen? Do your ecommerce cooks not play well together?


If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above, you are not alone. The problem is epidemic . . . Small business owners have become overwhelmed by fragmented ecommerce solutions.

So, what is the solution if you are already overwhelmed by your ecommerce stew or if you are a merchant that accepts credit cards and would like to start accepting payments online?

Colophon New Media! We can provide you with an all-in-one ecommerce solution that includes:

Let Colophon be your head chef when it comes to ecommerce. Contact us today to learn more. We will create the right ecommerce recipe for your unique needs.

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  • Design


    We serve our customers by developing attractive, highly optimized websites that are focused on improving sales.

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  • Hosting


    Colophon’s hosting service is focused on stability and security. As technology evolves so should your host.

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  • Maintenance


    Colophon New Media provides website maintenance plans that ensure your site runs smoothly and effectively at all times.

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  • Marketing


    Colophon offers data-driven Paid Search Marketing Campaigns with Google and Facebook, and online Press Release Management.

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