Website Development Questions

Colophon specializes in WordPress development.

It is important to note that our development process with WordPress is 100% custom. We do not use pre-built, “off-the-shelf” WordPress templates. And we don’t mush together a bunch of plugins to make a site.

While some of the pre-built designs can look slick, they are bloated with messy code, and don’t allow good optimization or scalability. Our process uses clean, lightweight and efficient code to create fast, scalable, user-centered websites that are focused on your business goals.

WordPress is the backend platform where content management tools are installed to allow easy control of your content.

We also use a selection of premium plugins that help with key features that are included on all websites – like anti-spam, advanced forms and SEO.

No. Although we do meet with customers in our local area of Charleston, SC, we have customers throughout the United States and around the world whom we have never met face-to-face. Projects with remote customers are completed by using telephone, email and video conferencing.

A: The following items are required from each client at the start of a project:

  1. Signed Forms: Quote, Payment Schedule, Credit Card (if on billing plan)
  2. Login info for your existing Internet products that relate to the new project, such as login details for current hosting and domain name information.
  3. All existing marketing assets that your company may have, such as logo files, marketing copy, and any other electronic assets that may further the project goals.

Colophon takes care of all the technical aspects of the development of your website, including planning, design, programming, testing and launch. If you have contracted us to create your marketing message and write copy, this will also be included in the development process.

Yes. We require that clients have a working knowledge of office tools such as Microsoft Word and a proficiency using common Internet tools such as email and browsers, and online platforms for sharing files.

Website Hosting Questions

Colophon provides website hosting for the sites that we develop. In order to run a successful website, a developer must have complete control over the hosting technology and server settings that run the site.

We provide best-in-class website hosting and security that includes powerful, low-tenant servers, a security suite and unlimited support.

Colophon provides 100% technical support for hosting plans. If something goes wrong with a technical aspect of your website, we start to take care of the issue as soon as it is reported.

Website Maintenance Questions

All of our websites are built on the WordPress platform and have custom content controls installed for you to login and update your content from anywhere connected to the Internet.

Learn about using WordPress to update your website.

Yes. Colophon also offers hourly maintenance as well as monthly maintenance plans. The maintenance plans are priced to suit different budgets.

Once the plan is activated, Colophon becomes your company’s out-sourced web development department and will provide any design or development tasks that you require.

Simply submit maintenance requests, then we schedule the work, complete the tasks and report back to you.

Website Marketing Questions

Ultimately, the purpose of all marketing is to increase brand awareness and build relationships with new customers. Colophon provides website marketing services in three focused areas

  • Google AdWords
  • Facebook Advertisting
  • Online Press Releases

Once your site is developed and launched, it must be found by your target audience. Colophon provides the following web marketing services:

Colophon’s Google AdWords Certified Strategists manage advanced AdWords campaigns that optimize cost-per-conversion and provide you with clear objectives, and measurable results for your advertising dollars.

Because Facebook is the best at identifying its users, and over 1.6 billion people are connected to small business on Facebook, we find that Facebook is a good fit for some businesses to advertise. We create target campaigns that find your customers.

When you have big news at your company, one of the most powerful and cost-effective ways to get the message out is through an online press release. The press release is syndicated across multiple online channels, enhancing your brand image and helps to build organic PageRank. Colophon has over 20 years’ of experience writing and configuring online press releases in order to promote greater exposure for small business news stories.

Yes. The foundation of good Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a properly built website. A website built by Colophon adheres to Google’s rules for creating good “PageRank”. Your website will provide a great user experience on mobile, be lightweight for speed, and will be properly tagged and optimized for Google search.

Colophon Media Media, LLC also provides paid search marketing and is a Google Partner. Colophon follows SEO trends and uses new techniques for optimization.


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  • Design


    We serve our customers by developing attractive, highly optimized websites that are focused on improving sales.

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  • Hosting


    Colophon’s hosting service is focused on stability and security. As technology evolves so should your host.

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  • Maintenance


    Colophon New Media provides website maintenance plans that ensure your site runs smoothly and effectively at all times.

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  • Marketing


    Colophon offers data-driven Paid Search Marketing Campaigns with Google and Facebook, and online Press Release Management.

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