Case Study for:
Product Manufacturers & Distributors Olde Colony Bakery

Home of the original Charleston Benne Wafer, the company is the oldest family-operated bakery in historic Charleston having been in operation since the 1940s.


 The Company

When Olde Colony Bakery was recently sold to new owners, they contacted Colophon New Media to create a new website with a fresh look and upgraded technology.

 The Challenge

The old website needed to be fresh, clean and modern but representing its historic charm.

 The Process

The new site maintains the Olde Colony brand image, while providing a clean, streamlined experience. Using a 100% custom design, the website is fully responsive, allowing it to perform seamlessly across all devices.

Built on the WordPress platform, the new site includes an easy-to-use content management system (CMS) for rapid content updates.

 The Solution

The website is hosted on a WordPress-specialized server and protected by a security suite. Colophon provides the new owners of Olde Colony Bakery with an unlimited support plan.


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  • Design


    We serve our customers by developing attractive, highly optimized websites that are focused on improving sales.

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  • Hosting


    Colophon’s hosting service is focused on stability and security. As technology evolves so should your host.

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  • Maintenance


    Colophon New Media provides website maintenance plans that ensure your site runs smoothly and effectively at all times.

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  • Marketing


    Colophon offers data-driven Paid Search Marketing Campaigns with Google and Facebook, and online Press Release Management.

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