Case Study for:
Restaurants Water’s Edge Restaurant

Water’s Edge is a restaurant with waterfront dining on the banks of Shem Creek in Mount Pleasant, SC.


 The Challenge

Colophon New Media designed and hosted the first Water’s Edge website back in 2010. The original website was a workhorse and served the company until it changed owners in 2019. With new owners and a fresh perspective on their marketing, Colophon was asked to upgrade the website.



 The Process

Colophon’s design team worked directly with the management team at Water’s Edge and created options for them to present their services, menus, and special events in the new design.

The new site uses a highly flexible responsive web design that allows the single website to adapt to all devices and provide a great user experience.

 The Solution

Programmed on the WordPress platform, the new custom Water’s Edge theme allows their administrators to do rapid content updates and make changes to all core content areas on the website. Secure website hosting for WordPress is also provided by Colophon.

We are all very much looking forward to sipping a cool drink on the banks of Shem Creek soon!


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