Case Study for:
Ferrara Buist Contractors

Ferrara Buist, LLC is a Design-Assist-Build construction firm based in Charleston SC.


 The Company

Ferrara Buist, LLC is a Design-Assist-Build construction firm based in Charleston SC.

 The Challenge

Ferrara Buist required a powerful website to feature their services and projects. They also required a system that offered easy-to-use content management tools to allow frequent updates to their website.

 The Process

Colophon worked with Ferrara Buist’s marketing vendor to design and build the website and then populate it with high-quality content. The project was completed using Colophon’s 3-Phase Development Process that drives the work forward and includes quality control at each step of way.

 The Solution

Using the WordPress platform, Colophon built Ferrara Buist Contractors a custom WordPress theme and then installed a set of content management tools for easy updates. Of of the main goals of the new website was for Ferrara Buist to continually showcase their completed projects. The new website offers a content management module that allows new projects to be added in a few simples steps.


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