Colophon Upgrades the Website for Safeside Association

Story by: Colophon Editor
May 27, 2015


Safeside Association is an association of Air Force Veterans. The Association was organized for the exclusive purpose of carrying out programs to perpetuate the memory of deceased veterans and members of the 82nd Combat Security Police Wing, to comfort their survivors, to sponsor or participate in activities of a patriotic nature and to provide social and recreational activities for its members. 

821st A & B Flights Heavy Weapons Phan Rang AB 1968 Hill, Lacy, Sly, Barkley, Clark, Watson, Walter, Levan, Stark, Hockwalt, Gatz, Langoria, Uram Photo courtesy: Jim Sly

Mr. Gary Jones of Safeside Association came to Colophon with the goal of updating their website to allow better presentation of their content, an improved method to signup new members and more efficient tools for making updates to content on the website.

We are getting a lot of positive comments on the new web site. More important, we have added 11 new Members, since the site went live.

Gary Jones
Secretary of the Safeside Association

Membership renewals and new memberships are handled by an easy-to-use and manage PayPal integration.

The new site is a fully responsive design. The entire structure of the site was re-organized and all content was migrated to thew new platform.

The website is hosted and maintained by Colophon on a powerful and secure platform.

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