WEB HOSTING UPGRADESCNM is happy to announce that all hosting plan levels have had an upgrade to the web analytics/statistical tracking software that we offer. The following upgrade has been implemented through our vendor SmarterTools:

Story by: Colophon Editor
September 9, 2005

Contact CNM anytime for a Free DEMO of the our Hosting Plans including SmarterMail and SmarterStats.

The web interface for SmarterStats 3.x was completely changed, with attention paid to ease of use and effective content. Even the most novice user will feel more at ease. In addition, a fully featured skinning system allows you to incorporate your own design elements within SmarterStats, which will help with corporate branding and further increases the comfort level of your users.

Active Sidebar – Jump quickly and easily through reports with an effective sidebar.

Intuitive Reporting – Pinpoint exactly the information you need quickly with an effectively organized reporting system. Group report items into custom reports for quick at-a-glance information (Enterprise Edition Only), and add favorites to your most common queries.

Unprecedented Stability – SmarterStats was built from the ground up to be the most stable statistics architecture available, supporting tens of thousands of sites and a single point of administration.

Storage Savings – Save licensing costs and load on your server by taking advantage of SmarterStats' optimized file structure. SmarterStats conserves up to 90% of your disk space usage for log files using SmarterStats' advanced compression routines.

Email Reporting – Enterprise Edition adds scheduled email reporting, allowing for users to schedule the frequency and detail levels of reports that are sent right to their Inbox.

Get Information Fast – Unlike other stats products that re-import log files every time you run a report, SmarterStats cleverly organizes the information into a proprietary format that allows reports to be generated very quickly without the need to re-import log files. Get your report in seconds, rather than minutes.

Multi-Language Support – International users can now reap the benefit of a fully translatable interface. With support for multiple languages in one install, your customers can now use the web interface in the language they feel most comfortable. Translation efforts are ongoing, and more languages are being added all of the time.

Data Mining – Drill into your statistics quickly and easily to discover visitor tendencies. Quick links next to each report item result allow you to data mine effortlessly.

Filter Sets – Filtering has been greatly simplified in SmarterStats 3.x, making it easier to exclude items from your results. Filtered items are summarized at the bottom of the reports, giving you not only information on what you ARE seeing, but what you aren't.

Geographic Reporting – Graphically view your visitors and their countries of origin. Many other statistics programs charge extra for this feature. With SmarterStats, it's all part of the package!

Automation – Administrative functions are exposed through web services, allowing for easy integration into control panels or your own administration applications.

Full Exporting – Export original log files in any of the common formats (W3C, IIS, NSCA). Quick-links even allow users to export results to CSV for use in Excel or other spreadsheet applications.

Always Current – SmarterStats is constantly watching for new log information with a low-impact background process, thereby keeping your statistics as up-to-date as possible.


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