Story by: Colophon Editor
October 20, 2016

A successful web development process includes a team of specialists that collaborate to create a well-designed, effeciently-programmed and thoroughly-tested website that will provide end users with a great experience.

The foundation of a successful web development process is effective project management. Because there are many moving parts in the process, the project manager must keep track of all components, make available all required resources, and keep the schedule on track and on budget.

Design is the first phase is development. The web designer’s role is to “draw” the look and feel of the website. They must first consider their audience, the brand message, and then create a page layout that will provide an optimal experience for that audience.

Once an appropriate design is “drawn” the next phase of development must program the drawing to a web page that includes all interactive elements and works seamlessly across all devices. A User Experience (UX) programmer uses “Responsive Web Design” techniques to create pages that will provide an excellent experience regardless of the platform. Consideration is taken for phones, tablets, laptop and desktop computers.

With a set of responsive templates in place, the web development process moves to backend web programmers who integrate dynamic data to the user interface (UI) and install a Content Management Systems (CMS) for administrations to control their website content.

Content can include text, images, videos, animation, plugin apps and other third party tools. Each of these content pieces must be optimized and installed correctly.  In this phase all META tagging in done and search engine optimization (SEO) completed  

While testing is an ongoing process during development, in the final phase, it is more focused; and the website is tested vigorously across all platforms. Any bugs, or poorly designed areas are reported to the appropriate team member and fixed.

A successful website is launched.

The next phase in the life of this website will be a sustained web marketing campaign…

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