Case Study for:
Associations / Organizations & Non-Profits Grace Alliance Church Charleston

Grace Alliance Church is part of the Christian and Mission Alliance and based in Charleston, SC.


 The Company

Grace Alliance Church is part of the North Charleston community offering worship and Bible teaching and is part of a wide network of churches dedicated to preaching the Gospel.

 The Challenge

Grace Alliance Church in North Charleston came to Colophon with the primary goal of creating a new website for their Church. However, the legacy website was in a state of disrepair and access to old files was impossible because the old site got disconnected before content could be gathered.  With the help of a Church member in charge of the project and an IT helper from the organization, the assets to build a new site were gathered and a plan was drawn up to consolidate services with Colophon.

 The Process

The project started with new design drawings and once a winning design was approved by the Church,  Colophon’s web development team built the front-end design, and the back-end programmers installed the WordPress CMS and built the custom content modules. To get services organized and consolidated, Colophon’s project management team got to work collecting content, organizing files, and transferring the domain names to Colophon’s Managed Domain Name Services.  Because all legacy was lost, a new site map was drawn up, new images were collected and a new copy was written.

 The Solution

Because of the COVID-19 Pandemic, in-person worship was stopped at the church and they required a way to stream a church service via the website. The solution was a simple page with a button to view the service on Facebook or YouTube.  The website also features a complete presentation of the Church Ministries, news, and events and a way to donate online.  The result is an attractive and easy-to-use website that can be used on any device.


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